Fiber Optics (Technical Expertise)

Fiber Optics (Technical Expertise)

Fiber Optics

What is fiber optics?

Fiber optics is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the way we transmit and receive information. It is a method of transmitting data and information using thin strands of glass or plastic fibers. These fibers are capable of carrying large amounts of data over long distances at incredibly high speeds.

Many of the items that are critical to the success of the 21st century Warfighter can be achieved through the introduction of fiber optics components and systems. Weight reduction, less electronic signatures, and increases in energy efficiencies are just some of the reasons that the use of fiber optics offers to the Warfighters. Working with our partners in the EOA, Northrup Grumman ship systems, RSL systems, and kSaria, we have successfully demonstrated how fiber optics can be introduced to replace conventional items and deliver increased performance, greater reliability and greater efficiencies. A remote source lighting system developed through efforts sponsored by the Office of Naval Research has been successfully implemented on the latest Navy vessels being commissioned. Further, efforts to develop equipment needed to make the installation of fiber optic cable easier for the Warfighter has, also, been led through the EOC. Finally, we have been responsible for training those in charge for the acquisition and fielding of fiber optics components and systems with the tools they need to succeed.