S2628 — Augmented Visualization for Manual Welding
Welding is the predominant joining method used in the assembly of ship structures, and
each shipyard has hundreds of certified manual welders who are responsible for delivering
quality welds at a reasonable speed. Even with improvements in auto-darkening weld
shades, it remains a difficult art to see the weld space prior to the weld arc being struck
and to allow human eyes to adjust to lower levels of light once the arc is off. The learning
curve to become a proficient welder is long, and many welders give up before reaching a
desired level of proficiency.
This Electro-Optice Center (EOC) project is developing and demonstrating new
visualization tools for manual welding, using high dynamic range cameras and head-
mounted displays. The newly built devices will be evaluated at Huntington Ingalls
Industries – Ingalls Shipbuilding for improvements in quality, speed, and learning curve,
against measured baseline tests from auto-darkening weld helmets.
In addition to solving problems with eye strain, learning curve, and quality, the
development of a heads-up camera display for manual welding is the first step in delivering
the capability for augmented reality in hot work applications at the shipyard.
Improved visualization in manual welding seeks cost savings from three unique
positions: improvement in “arc time” productivity, shortening the learning curve
to proficiency, and reduction in rework. If augmented visualization results in a 10
percent reduction of a welder’s time by implementing this technology solution with
30 percent of an organization’s welders, a positive business case could be achieved.
The addition of augmented reality to the welding display could someday substantiate
even higher savings.
The primary transition platform for this project is the DDG 51 Class destroyer.
A business case for cost savings will be weighed against the cost of bringing the
technology to production at an appropriate annual volume for the market. If shown
to be successful, implementation will extend to other Department of Defense and
dual-use applications.
Project Details
Period of Performance:
February 2017 to April 2020 -
DDG 51 -
Center of Excellence:
PMS 400D -
Total MANTECH Investment: