S2828 — Trade-Friendly Metrology Solution Will Increase Productivity and Reduce Rework
The objective of this Electro-Optics Center (EOC) project is to develop an automated targetless photogrammetry system for use during structural assembly of DDG 51 Class destroyers that conducts in-process accuracy checks. The system will be designed with the needs of the shipbuilding industry at the forefront to accommodate the specific manufacturing hurdles that exist, including inverted builds and the joining of large structural assemblies into a single unit. The solution will be minimally targeted or targetless to reduce labor and human error and include automated software scripting that conducts comparative measurements of as-built conditions against the designed computer-aided-design model. The project will also demonstrate a trade-friendly automated solution that rapidly generates a visual and numerical output to display deviations of the as-built condition against the model with minimal user interaction.
Successful execution of this project will greatly improve the shipbuilding process by reducing costs and increasing manufacturing throughput. Additionally, this new metrology technique will provide more accurate surveys at a faster rate leading to reduction in rework, less risk of operator error, and greater accuracy control. Bath Iron Works (BIW) estimates total savings of $1.6M per hull, which generates a five-year return on investment of 2:1. The project intent is to realize significant cost savings in labor hours and provide near-real-time (on-demand) measurements of products to the ship fitters, thereby avoiding rework in the current construction stage and, more importantly, identifying errors before products are shipped downstream.
The system developed by this project will be demonstrated at BIW during the final task of the project and tested on DDG 51 structural assemblies. Successful demonstration will trigger the transition of the technology to BIW. Implementation of the developed technology into the shipbuilding process at BIW is anticipated in the second quarter of FY23. Implementation will require a capital investment from BIW, and this investment is supported through its internal CapEX. Justification for implementation of the metrology system will be illustrated through the return on investment generated by the project. Once demonstrated at BIW, this technology will have application
Project Details
Period of Performance:
Feb 2020 to Sep 2022 -
DDG 51 -
Center of Excellence:
Point of Contact:
Mr. Andrew B. Trageser -
PMS 400D -
Total MANTECH Investment: