Q2790 — Laser Quality Spinel Optics
The objective of this Electro-Optics Center (EOC) project is to develop a low-
cost powder purification technique that can produce low-cost, high optical
quality, and rugged spinel optics. While small, lab-scale optics have been produced
using powder that has been processed through a purification technique, large-
scale production of both ultra-high purity powder and laser-quality optics has
yet to be achieved. The final objective is to demonstrate the capabilities
developed by this project by producing a 50 cm diameter optic that meets or
exceeds the requirements for high-energy laser weapon system applications.
A current limitation of spinel development is the high cost and low availability
of commercial ultra-high purity powders. By developing a low-cost, high-volume
powder purification technique for commercial low-grade powders, a resultant increase
in the supply chain and a reduction in cost for ultra-high purity powder will increase
interest in the inclusion of spinel into Navy systems. By advancing the development
of a production-scale purification technique and demonstrating its capabilities, all
Navy systems that would benefit from spinel can then leverage the project’s results to
take advantage of spinel’s advantageous properties, for instance, middle wavelength
infrared capability.
Once the project is complete and deemed successful, the subcontractor
CeraNova Corporation will have developed a defined process for producing laser-
quality spinel optics using the powder purification technique developed by this
project. This process then can be leveraged for development of optics and
elements, both flat and conformal, for use on Navy systems in need of a rugged
alternative material that has increased capability over other materials, including
fused silica
Project Details
Period of Performance:
Sep 2019 to Nov 2022 -
Any Navy systems that would benefit from the use of spinel optics / elements -
Center of Excellence:
Total MANTECH Investment: