S2626 — Test Adapter Efficiency Improvement
This project was built on the theme that the complexity of electrical and optical connections
in ships leads to high installation and maintenance costs. In addition to simplifying cabling
designs, reducing the cost of complex cable installation and testing are ways to improve
acquisition (material) and life-cycle (reliability and maintenance) costs. Previous Navy
ManTech and National Shipbuilding Research Program projects have provided some
methodology toward decreasing the cost of cable testing. This Electro-Optics Center
(EOC) project has validated those methods using the results of the previous projects. The
project provided electrical, radio frequency (RF), and fiber optic tests at the Huntington
Ingalls Industries – Ingalls Shipbuilding (Ingalls) Pascagoula shipyard.
The project was executed by four organizations: the Penn State Electro-Optics Center
(EOC), Ingalls (providing industrial engineering and integrating the project results),
DIT-MCO International (production supplier of the Integrated Link Test System), and
Ultra Communications (manufacturer of optical transceivers and hardware).
The overall project is estimated to result in $709k per hull savings at the shipyard;
payback is less than four years. Task savings come from reductions in test execution
time, data transcription and hookup errors, and lead times for adapter connectors;
increased flexibility with the capability of producing test adapter connectors on-site;
and the introduction of new test technology.
Transition opportunities for this project include process changes related to testing
and possible engineering design changes related to cable simplification and RF
cable sustainment. Implementation opportunities for this project include process
changes related to testing and possible engineering design changes related to cable
simplification and RF cable sustainment. Process change implementations will begin
with DDG-125. Implementations requiring design changes will be considered
beginning in FY22. Transition activities have continued throughout 2021, including
new testing hardware and software from the test equipment vendor, and investments
in the 3D printing process at the shipyard. Project results may also be implemented
on the LHA and LPD platforms.
Project Details
Period of Performance:
Feb 2017 to Aug 2020 -
DDG 51 -
Center of Excellence:
Point of Contact:
Mr. Andrew B. Trageser -
PMS 400D -
Total MANTECH Investment: